Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Restaurant Cashier at Somanda Consulting

 Apply for the position of a Restaurant Cashier at Somanda Consulting today, as you get rid of employment. There is an available job position at the said company, as this calls for urgent application from interested/qualified persons as they fill this vacant position.

Apply for the position of a Restaurant Cashier at Somanda Consulting today, as you get rid of employment. There is an available job position at the said company, as this calls for urgent application from interested/qualified persons as they fill this vacant position.

Restaurant Cashier at Somanda Consulting

Restaurant Cashier at Somanda Consulting, is the job vacancy we are considering in this post, are you job seeker with good academic credentials but still jobless? Then if yes, this is for you. Somanda Consulting a company which offers HR Consultancy and Advisory services has a vacant position needed for urgent employment, applications are hereby invited as to fill this position.

When applying for this job, applicants are admonished to be extremely careful when writing their Curriculum Vitae, as a matter of fact, they are to provide an active email for this, as to get informed when to resume job after successful application.

Restaurant Cashier at Somanda Consulting Qualifications

Prior to the application, below are these requirements expected of those seeking this job.
  1. Must be a Nigerian Citizen
  2. Must be within the class or not above the age of 35
  3. Must be a resident of Lagos
  4. Must possess good academic credentials

How to apply for the position of a Restaurant Cashier at Somanda Consulting

Interested persons are to forward their curriculum vitae to

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