Monday, September 2, 2024

How to prepare Okra Soup with egg

 How to prepare Okra Soup with egg||Hello dear in the post, you will be enlightened with the procedures involved in cooking Okra soup with egg as well as other ingredients. So do yourself this favour by relaxing as well stay on this page as we proceed.

How to prepare Okra Soup with egg||Hello dear in the post, you will be enlightened with the procedures involved in cooking Okra soup with egg as well as other ingredients. So do yourself this favour by relaxing as well stay on this page as we proceed.  Okra is crop, cultivated by many and is preferred for consumption, it is been washed, chopped into atoms, grated or pounded before it is been applied to a cooking pot.  It is a soup loved by all, similar to ogbono,it is been eaten with eba or garri.   This soup is been prepared for domestic and commercial purposes, which means it can be served to guests, and families at home and can be  found as menu in eatery. Preparing this meal requires a cool number of ingredients and some persons do include egg fried or boiled. If you love this soup and will like to prepare this meal all by yourself, then you just have to read closely.  Below are the condiments required in making this soup.
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What is Okra Soup with egg 

Okra is crop, cultivated by many and is preferred for consumption, it is been washed, chopped into atoms, grated or pounded before it is been applied to a cooking pot.  It is a soup loved by all, similar to ogbono,it is been eaten with eba or garri. 

This soup is been prepared for domestic and commercial purposes, which means it can be served to guests, and families at home and can be  found as menu in eatery. Preparing this meal requires a cool number of ingredients and some persons do include egg fried or boiled. If you love this soup and will like to prepare this meal all by yourself, then you just have to read closely. 
Below are the condiments required in making this soup.

Condiments needed in preparing Okra Soup with Egg/Utensils

  • Meat
  • Fish
  • Cray fish
  • Stock fish
  • Salt
  • Maggi
  • Onion
  • Kanda
  • Palm oil
  • Spoon
  • Tray
  • Knife
  • Cooking device (stove, cylinder etc)

How to prepare Okra Soup with egg

Now this is a very important aspect of this post, preparing this meal only requires a few steps, see them listed below.

Wash your meat and steam, as well as other washable condiments.
  • Place the pot on the fire
  • Pour measured quantity of palm oil
  • Allow to get hot
  • Pure the smashed egg into the oil and fry
  • After it has solidified
  • Bring down from or while on the fire cut the fried egg into small parts
  • Pour measured quantities of water into the pot and allow to boil
  • Ass the fish, stock fish and others.
  • Allow to boil
  • Add salt, Maggi and other seasoning
  • Put the okra, allow to boil
  • Add palm oil and allow to boil
Note://  After the 5th step, stir and taste, while executing subsequent steps. A
  • After boiling for some time, bring the pot down from the fire.
There you go, you have just prepared you Okra soup with egg. With these we have gotten to the end of our lesson, do to share this article with the options provided also drop your enquiry on the space provided.

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