Monday, September 2, 2024

How to make Potato Chips in a Pan

How to make Potato Chips in a Pan||Here I will be sharing with you the procedures needed in preparing potato chips in a Pan. This is article though may be brief is rich in content, do yourself the favour of staying on this page and study every word to its letter.

How to make Potato Chips in a Pan||Here I will be sharing with you the procedures needed in preparing potato chips in a Pan. This is article though may be brief is rich in content, do yourself the favour of staying on this page and study every word to its letter.  This is an annual tuber crop cultivated in one of the regions of the world, it is been supported by mounting bamboo stands, to aid germination as the stems are thread like during process. It is cultivated on a loamy soil in heaps and it is harvested by digging to remove tubers buried in the ground.  Consuming this crop requires peeling thereafter boiling or frying. It can be eaten with Beans,  mixed together and can be fried as chips. Potato Chips is one of the preferred snacks, eaten by many, it is been sold in transparent nylons at prices, varying among sellers. Like I earlier stated, it requires peeling and washing before slicing and frying. Below are the condiments needed in preparing this snack.

What is Potato?

This is an annual tuber crop cultivated in one of the regions of the world, it is been supported by mounting bamboo stands, to aid germination as the stems are thread like during process. It is cultivated on a loamy soil in heaps and it is harvested by digging to remove tubers buried in the ground.

Consuming this crop requires peeling thereafter boiling or frying. It can be eaten with Beans,  mixed together and can be fried as chips. Potato Chips is one of the preferred snacks, eaten by many, it is been sold in transparent nylons at prices, varying among sellers. Like I earlier stated, it requires peeling and washing before slicing and frying. Below are the condiments needed in preparing this snack.

Ingredients/Utensils needed to make Potato Chips

What it requires are:
  • Salt
  • Groundnut oil
  • Olive oil
  • Potato

  • Frying pan
  • Tray
  • Knife
  • Cooking equipment (preferably firewood stand or any other)
  • Slicer
  • Sieve spoon

How to make Potato Chips in a Pan

Here are the steps to carryout after peeling, washing and slicing.
  • Pour the sliced potato into a tray 
  • Add salt and olive to the sliced potatoes
  • Mix them with your hands
  • Place the frying pan on fire
  • Pour measured quantity of vegetable oil into it and allow to get hot
  • Gradually, put the sliced potato into the pan and fry 
  • Using the sieve spoon filter the fried chips into a bowl.
Repeat the penultimate and antepenultimate steps together till the sliced Potato are all fried, then there you go, you have just made potato chips.

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