Monday, September 2, 2024

How to Butcher a Chicken Anywhere

How to Butcher a Chicken Anywhere||A very warm welcome to you reader, I must commend you for hitting on this link. With reference to the above heading, we will be considering a very crucial topic in this article, as it relates to slaughtering and butchering of poultry. For comprehension on this subject matter, you are expected to remain on this page as we begin the lesson, which revolves on this course.

How to Butcher a Chicken Anywhere||A very warm welcome to you reader, I must commend you for hitting on this link. With reference to the above heading, we will be considering a very crucial topic in this article, as it relates to slaughtering and butchering of poultry. For comprehension on this subject matter, you are expected to remain on this page as we begin the lesson, which revolves on this course.      The question above may be sound stupid, but it should be stated. Many people in the world today, prefer the maximization of a privilege, paying little or no homage to the source. This is based on reasons best known to them.  Chicken is a poultry animal, under the hyponym "livestock", which includes mammals as well. There are domestic birds which can be eaten, reared and has market values depending on their sizes. As a matter of fact there, in Africa, we have two categories of chickens which are the Agric - Chicken and Non - Agric chicken. The former is been termed as thus, due to the application of feeds and machinery, to lay and hatch eggs, it as well requires feeds for healthy growth. The later on the other hand, are not incubated nor housed, they are allowed to move freely as they feed on whatever they comes across in the surrounding.
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What is a Chicken ?

The question above may be sound stupid, but it should be stated. Many people in the world today, prefer the maximization of a privilege, paying little or no homage to the source. This is based on reasons best known to them.

Chicken is a poultry animal, under the hyponym "livestock", which includes mammals as well. There are domestic birds which can be eaten, reared and has market values depending on their sizes. As a matter of fact there, in Africa, we have two categories of chickens which are the Agric - Chicken and Non - Agric chicken. The former is been termed as thus, due to the application of feeds and machinery, to lay and hatch eggs, it as well requires feeds for healthy growth. The later on the other hand, are not incubated nor housed, they are allowed to move freely as they feed on whatever they comes across in the surrounding.

Recommended: How to cook Fried Rice and Chicken

The major difference between the two types of chicken is their texture i.e the colour of the feathers, spur, spaw etc. Agric - Chicken has white feathers, while Non Agric - Chicken has brown, black or mixed colour feathers (brown and black). Now to Butcher a Chicken, first you have to slaughter it, what I mean is you are to first of all kill the chicken before cutting them into pieces or butchering, below are procedures which will guide you on this aspect.

How to Butcher a Chicken Anywhere

To Butcher a chicken, you need a matchet, cutting stick, tapolene nylon (to spread on the ground as to prevent it from getting contact with sand or other dirt), big cooking pot.

  • Hold the legs and feathers of the chicken together
  • Cut the throat of the chicken with a matchet by covering the mouth and neck with you fingers wrapper across
  • Allow the blood to drain completely
  • Boil water in big pot
  • When it reaches 100 degree celcius, take it down from the fire
  • Put the slaughtered chicken into the pot, soak it completely and remain for some time
  • Bring it out and peel the feathers completely
  • With your matchet after placing it on a tapolene nylon
  • Dismember the laps from the body or stomach by cutting with a matchet
  • Do same for the arms.
  • Move a bit from the anus and tear with a matchet to divide it, thereby exposing the constituents of its body
  • Drag out the intestines, gizzard and other parts
  • After doing this you can now cut the dismembered parts into smaller parts.
So far so good we have gotten to the end of our article, do well to share this post using the available mediums available.

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