Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Where Can we find Crude Oil in Nigeria

 Where Can we find Crude Oil in Nigeria|| Crude oil is a major natural resource, and the most available renewable energy, which is present in a good number of countries in the world, with Nigeria inclusive. This article provides all the needed information on the places where crude oil can be found in the country for extraction, go no where as we dive right in.

Where Can we find Crude Oil in Nigeria|| Crude oil is a major natural resource, and the most available renewable energy, which is present in a good number of countries in the world, with Nigeria inclusive. This article provides all the needed information on the places where crude oil can be found in the country for extraction, go no where as we dive right in.

What is Crude Oil?

Crude Oil is a natural resource, which dominates 30% of the earth crust. As a matter of fact, Nigeria is one of the major crude oil exporting countries, recognized and a strong member of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). This is true indeed and in fact, the country is made up of 36 states, some of these states has crude oil present in their lithosphere, before we look into them, we should take a look a the following.

Fractions of Crude Oil

The various fluids in which crude oil can be distilled into, are called fraction. Here are the fractions of Crude Oil: 


Bitumen and other residues


Petrol Oil and Gasoline

Paraffin Wax


Now the process of extracting all these fractions from crude oil is called Distillation. 

Where can we find Crude Oil in Nigeria?

This is the climax of our discussion, Nigeria is has six geo - political zones namely north - central, north east, north west, south south, south east south west. These regions comprises of the thirty six states splitted among them. The major region where crude oil can be found is the Niger - Delta region, which is the Southern part of Nigeria, comprising of states like Akwa Ibom, Rivers, Enugu etc. So this is where we draw the curtain in our discussion.

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