Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Top 5 Countries by Coal Production

In this article, I will be sharing with you, Top 5 Countries by Coal Production, so to get the best out of this article, stay on this page as we proceed.

In this article, I will be sharing with you, Top 5 Countries by Coal Production, so to get the best out of this article, stay on this page as we proceed

Coal and it uses

Coal is a major natural resource, present in certain African countries. It is approximately 890 billion tons of coal around the world, adequate to 110 years. It is used to generate electricity, which is used by the cement and steel industries to extract iron from iron ore.

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Africa is made of six geo-political zones, but only few of these countries have coal as their natural resource. As a matter of fact, coal mining in Africa contributes 6% of the world’s coal deposit, it is a relatively resource comparison to Russia.

Top 5 Countries by Coal Production.

Now we have gotten to the climax of this article, as we look solely into the list of African countries into coal mining.




South Africa


Each of the countries listed above have specific mining tons, the nature of coal mining in Zimbabwe is been done on a large scale, Botswana has over 200 billion tons of coal reserves and development.

Mozambique do produce 100 million ton of coal yearly, South Africa records 250 million ton of coal production per year.

Lastly North America having the lowest record on coal production, produces only 33,399 tons of coal.

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