Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The three Arms of Government and their functions

 The three Arms of Government and their functions, will be the topic of consideration in this article, so to get the best out of this article, I advise you to stay on this tab as we proceed.

The three Arms of Government and their functions, will be the topic of consideration in this article, so to get the best out of this article, I advise you to stay on this tab as we proceed.
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What is Government?

Now before taking a look at the three arms of government and their functions, we first of all know the meaning of Government.  Government is a body, that make and enact rules that are been obeyed or complied by the citizens. It has three levels namely:

  • Local Government
  • State Government
  • Federal Government

Taking a look at each of them, starting from the last, the federal government is the highest, as it is made up of the President, senate president, vice and other cabinets.

State Government is the second in the hierarchy of the level of government, which is to say from any way you want to ascertain, descending or ascending, it is always at the middle. It is made up of the Governor, Vice Governor, commissioner and the rest of them.

The Local Government: This is the lowest level of government, which is made up of the Chairman, Vice Chairman, councilor and others.

All this levels, have various play in the society.

The three Arms of Government and their functions.

In Nigeria and the world at large, we have only three arms of government, which is the Legislature, Judiciary and the Executive.

The Legislature: This is the arm of government which is responsible for making laws.

The Executive: is the arm of government which is responsible for the enactment of laws.

The Judiciary: Acts as a watch dog as it is responsible for the settling of disputes.

Personalities in the various Arms of Government

It is very important to know the persons in this arms of government, other know them without fully understand.

Those in the legislature, are called house members, in the state level it is been regarded as the House of Assembly, while at the federal level it is been regarded as the House of Representatives.

In the Executive you will see the Governor, Deputy Governor, Commissioner etc

The Judiciary houses the Lawyers, ranging from Chief Judge, Magistrate, Barristers.

Functions of the various arms of government

Alright we have gotten to the climax of this article, where I reference the above heading. This bodies work hand in hand, to the development of a country.

Firstly we are going consider the Legislature. The one and very crucial function of the legislature, just I have stated above is that they make laws which are been complied or obeyed by citizens.

Responsible for the signing of billing, before making it a law.

The functions of Executive includes:

The enactment or carrying out of laws made by the legislature

Passing of billing

Responsible for the infrastructural/Civil development of citizens which includes: Creating of Job opportunities, Good roads, electricity supply etc.

The Judiciary, main functions is the settling of disputes, the rival parties, for instance a land dispute between Mr. A and Mr. B

Responsible for the impeachment of executive.

Now with these short but crucial, I hope I have been able to shade light on the topic of concentration? This is where we wrap this things up.

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