Monday, September 2, 2024

The History of the University of Oxford

 As we take a look at the History of the University of Oxford, you will learn many things as pertaining to this school, the year founded, name of Vice Chancellor and Chancellor etc. In other to get the best out of this article, I will advise you to stay on this page as we dive Right in.

As we take a look at the History of the University of Oxford, you will learn many things as pertaining to this school, the year founded, name of Vice Chancellor and Chancellor etc. In other to get the best out of this article, I will advise you to stay on this page as we dive Right in.

The History of the University of Oxford

You must have heard of this school, it is indeed renounced. It has thirty nine semi-autunomous constituent colleges and four private halls which are Blackfairs, Campion Hall, Wycliffe Hall, Regent's Park College. The year of establishment, can not be ascertained but it is stated that this varsity, started in early 1096. As a matter of fact, this school being an age long school, has housed many lecturers, some one like Theobald of Etampes lectured at the school in the early 1100s. Its current  Chancellor is The Lord Pattens of Barnes, while its Vice Chancellor is Ireny Tracey, the colours of the school are navy blue and blue, for more information about the school log on to

Over the years gradually, the school renovated, as it now wears a look.

Alumnis of the University of Oxford

Robert Boye (a founder Boyle)

Albert Eistein

Roma Agrawal

Alfred Marshall

E.F Schumacher


Andrew Lyold Webber

John Taverner

Willuam Walton

James Whitbourn


Rowa Atkinson (Popularly known as Mr. Bean)

Rosamund Pike

Colleges at the University of the Oxford 

Wadham College

St's John College

St. Hilda's College

St. Cross College

St. Hugh's College

Somerville College

Trinity College

Lincoln College

Mansfield College

Merton College

New College

Nullfield College


So far so good we have gotten to the end of our discussion, do well to share this post using the available mediums.

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