Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Newton’s Law of Motion

We will be taking a look at Newton’s law of motion in this article, do yourself a favour by staying on this tab as we proceed.

We will be taking a look at Newton’s law of motion in this article, do yourself a favour by staying on this tab as we proceed.

Who was Isaac Newton?

Before heading to the laws of motion, let’s talk briefly about the person who propounded this law. Isaac Newton was a Physicist and Mathematician, who was the culminating figure of the scientific revolution, he discovered the composition of “white light” and also stated the “Universal Gravitational Law”, he discovered Calculus a topic which is mainly taught in Mathematics.

What is Motion?

Motion is a nutshell is the change in position or an object or body with time. It has a good number of types which are; Rectilinear, Gravitational, Translational, Random etc. The topic in consideration, is something which is mostly taught in Physics and Mechanics, at high school and tertiary institution respectively. In stating this laws, Isaac Newton as well gave equations, should I say formulas to illustrate this.

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Applying his law to real life issues, I am going to give three different examples before stating the laws, this is to give full comprehension. Let’s take for instance a desk in front of a door been pushed aside to create a passage. Now if you had just read that, this is where newton’s first law of motion can be applied, why? Because it wouldn’t have left the front of the door where it was it was adjusted.

When playing snooker, force is been applied to roll a ball to a specific location. The distance at which the ball travels is equal to the force applied to roll the ball. Here the second law of motion is applicable.

Lastly, referring to Newton’s third law of motion, am going to use two boxers fighting on a ring as an example by saying Mr. A and Mr. B for the both. Mr A. throws a punch at Mr.B and he dodges initially, at the next attempt he receives and fall.

Newton’s Law of Motion

First Law of Motion: The first law of motion, states that all objects in the universe will continue  to be at rest or uniform motion unless been acted upon by an external force or agency.

Second Law of Motion: The Second states to that the rate of change of the moment of a body is proportional to the implied or applied force which takes place in the direction of the force.

Third Law of Motion: This law states that to every action there is an equal or opposite reaction.

With this we have gotten to the end of this article, do well to share it as to make reach a wider audience.



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