Monday, September 2, 2024

How to make Fufu from Cassava

 Do you know how to make fufu from cassava? If no, then you are welcome. This article hovers on the process, as it contains step by step involved, go nowhere as we proceed.

What is Cassava?

Cassava is a annual, cash crop that is mostly meant for consumption. It is cultivated in the early months of a year (January - February), which is regarded as early planting, and in the middle of year, within July - August (this is been regarded as late planting). Cultivation methods includes burying stems, which is specifically two inches, in a small hole on the ground, which is approximately 1 feet.

It can as well be cultivated on ridges. 

Harvesting process/Duration

Cassava is harvested after a year, it involves uprooting, the stems are been dragged vertically to unveil the tuber from the ground. In most cases, after uprooting is been done and the tuber cutted off the stem is re-buried for re-germination.

Recommended: How to make Moi Moi

Nutritional uses  of Cassava 

Aside from its use in making fufu, there are other uses of Cassava as relating to nutrition. This includes:

Making of Garri

Making of Cassava Porride 

It can be grated or grinded, and boiled in a typical leave, this is done in place or Garri or fufu to eat soup.

How to make Fufu from Cassava

Here i will be sharing with you two processes involved in making Fufu from cassava, below are the steps involved in the making.

First stage

Peel and wash the cassava

Put them into a basin and allow for a good number of days, let's say 3 days to ferment

Remove them from the water

Grate or grind them

Sieving the grinded cassava to remove chaff

Pure the sieved cassava into a bag made of khaki or bag to filter the water from the sieved cassava.

Tie the mouth of the bag containing the filter cassava in such a way that the content can't escape.

Place the bag on a platform, usually on the ground covered with leaves or sack bag to make it tidy.

Place a very dense object above it, recommended a rectangular block.

Allow for days to solidify

Stage two

Now here you processed cassava must drained completely remaining the starch, what you do is to remove them from the filtering bag.

And put them into the pot, to be used in boiling, add some water and stir with your fingers to make the solid dissolve properly. Then complete the enumerated steps to make your fufu ready.

Place the dissolved fufu on fire

You a wood to stir while on fire

Use to a spoon to scrape the starch from edge of the pot,

Continue the second third steps repeatedly till it gradually becomes solid

After sometime it becomes completely solid.

Then bring down the pot from the fire and your fufu is ready.

Note:// At the first stage after sieving you can pure certain quantity into a pot and starting boiling.

With these I hope you have learnt a lot? Thanks for your time.

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