Monday, September 2, 2024

Abraham Lincoln Biography and his Democracy Rule

In this article, we will be looking at Abraham Lincoln Biography and his Democracy Rule. So to get the best out of this article, I will advise you to stay on this page, as we dive right in.

In this article, we will be looking at Abraham Lincoln Biography and his Democracy Rule. So to get the best out of this article, I will advise you to stay on this page, as we dive right in.

Abraham Lincoln Biography and his Democracy Rule

Birth and Parentage

Born in Kentucky on the 12th of February 1809, into a poor family in Kentucky, raised in a frontier, in Indiana Primarily. He was self-educated, as time went on he became a lawyer, Whig Party Leader, a State Legislator and a Congressman from Illinois.

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His Parents were Thomas and Nancy came into wedlock on the 12th of June 1806, Lincoln had two siblings which were Sarah and Thomas, but they all died during infancy. His father was a cabinet, farmer and carpenter who made sure he kept to the obligations of the territory, to the extent of paying taxes, which he used the product of his livestock and cash crops to fund.


When Abraham Lincoln was seven years old, he learnt how to read but he couldn’t write, just as it is been stated afore on this article, he was self-educated. This made him a voracious reader, as he read many books, which includes: The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, The Pilgrim Progress, Robin Crusoe and many others.  He wasn’t really present in the school where he was enrolled in at Kentucky, due to the work load of chores, as he had to engage as he assists his dad in his farming activities, but this never stop him from excelling, one of his records has a honorarium which he received from the University of Columbia.


Lincoln got engaged to Mary Todd in 1840, at Illinois. Before this time, he had met other women which were Ann Rutledge, Mary Owens. He had four children, who were Thomas Tad, Robert Todd, Edwin Baker and Willie Lincoln, who are all late.


Now this actually the climax of this article, in case you do not know, Abraham Lincoln’s definition of democracy is and forever will continue to be the legitimate definition of democracy, as he defines it to be “The government of the people, for the people and by the people”, this is to show that he was a political activist, who contributed solely to the affairs of the state.


Abraham Lincoln died by gun shots, by assassins, which took place on the 18th of 1865 in Washington D.C. in the United States of America.

This were we draw the curtain for our discussion, do well to share this article, though brief to a large audience using the available social media options.


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